November 2018 issue of Lausanne Global Analysis

Dear Friend of Lausanne Movement,

I wanted you to be among the first to know that the November 2018 issue of Lausanne Global Analysis has just been uploaded to the website.

This latest issue examines mental health and trauma (by Dr. Gladys Mwiti & Dr. Brad Smith: Co-Chairs of Lausanne Movement Mental Health & Trauma Issue Network) as an urgent mission priority for the church; culls important lessons from Taiwan on how to mobilise Christians for mission; considers white culture and how it shapes the way we do global mission; and explores social media and its potential in ministry to the unreached.

This issue is also offered in audio format (English), in addition to the text versions now available on the website in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Please share these articles with your circles and join with me in prayer, that this issue of LGA will be impactful in equipping influencers around the world for global mission.

David Bennett
Managing Editor, Lausanne Global Analysis
Global Associate Director for Collaboration and Content, Lausanne Movement

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Oasis Africa is a Center for Transformational Psychology and Trauma, a pan-African professional organization shaping the field of psychology in Kenya

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