
Oasis Africa began in the year 1990, under the leadership of Dr. Gladys Mwiti a clinical psychologist and founder and CEO of Oasis Africa Center for Transformational Psychology and Trauma, a Pan-African professional organization shaping the field of psychology in Kenya.

A teachers of physical and Chemistry in the 1980s, Dr. Mwiti was disturbed by the poor performance of some of hers student. Upon inquiry, she discovered a myriad of predicament that led to lack of focus and absenter in school. Some lived in constant state of fear due to domestic Violence, Physical sexual and emotion abuse as well as being forced into child labor. Thus, with the desire to make a difference, she went back to school for knowledge and expertise to exercise this profession and bring about the change she desired. In addition to providing trauma-focused therapy and supervision, Dr. Mwiti is heavily involved in advocacy work, collaborating with government offices, community organizations, and churches.

FOUNDER/CEODr. Gladys K Mwiti


Oasis Africa
Centre for Transformational Psychology and Trauma


With our many years’ specialization, Oasis Africa has become one of the key professional groups offering services such as:

  • Self Care and Other Care
  • Stress Management
  • Change Management
  • Team Skills Enhancement
  • Team Building Trauma Counseling and Resiliency Building
  • Coping with Retrenchment
  • Retirement Planning
  • Outplacement Counseling
  • Personal Development
  • Supervisors’ Training for Leadership, Mentoring and Coaching
  • Legal Advising
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Peer Counselors’ Training
  • Relationships in the Work Place
  • Conflict Management
  • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Oasis Africa Core Values

Oasis Africa through the leadership of Dr. Mwiti lives out its values in daily operations through the desire to continue building healed communities and individual transformation

  • Integrity and Excellence
  • Professional Ethics
  • Holistic Approach
  • Evidence based practice and Indigenous cultural Riches
About Us

Oasis Africa is a Center for Transformational Psychology and Trauma, a pan-African professional organization shaping the field of psychology in Kenya

Contact Us
Consolata Shrine - Allamano Centre 4th Floor, Suite C, Waiyaki Way, Nairobi
+254 (0) 725 366 614
+254 (0) 110 862 232

Copyright by OASIS AFRICA. All rights reserved.