LAUSANNE MOVEMENTBuilding Hope and Resilience in the COVID-19 Storm

Lament, communities of care, and the new normal

SEATTLE PACIFIC UNIVERSITYTestimones of Transformation

International Scholars and Leaders Bear Witness to Reconciliation at Seattle Pacific University.


Langham Partnership International Sends out a global call for prayer for Dr. Mwiti and the trauma team after Westgate Mall attack.

TRAUMA PSYCHOLOGY NEWSInternational Perspectives: International Committee Update

Laura Captari, a student member of the International Committee interviewed, Dr. Gladys K. Mwiti, a psychologist in Nairobi, Kenya.

LAUSANNE MOVEMENTTurning the Church’s Attention to Mental Health

Binding up the brokenhearted

SAN JUAN ISLAND UPDATEOasis Africa Comes to The Island

San Juan Paper announces the Mwiti’s visit to speak at Friday harbor, Seattle, Oregon. USA

DIASPORA MESSENGERKenyan Granny’s abandoning husbands in Kenya

“There are many older Kenyan women living in the USA — many of them illegally while some can’t even speak English..."

THE WORLD AND ALL IT'S VOICESIn Kenya, fear and trauma haunt Garissa attack survivors

Dr Mwiti, the chair of the Kenyan Psychological Association in Nairobi, heads a team that will be counselling Garissa survivors

CLASSIC 105Why Women Stay in Toxic Relationships

Yes, women actually stay in toxic relationships because the devil you know is better than the one you don’t.

CHILD FUND AUSTRALIAWhy we must address the mental health of children in Africa

The two main issues affecting the mental health of children in Africa are neglect and abuse.

FAITH & LEARNING INTERNATIONALOasis Africa, Gladys Mwiti: Nairobi, Kenya

Over the past 19 years, the organization has provided professional services in Kenya, Eastern Africa and the greater African Continent
About Us

Oasis Africa is a Center for Transformational Psychology and Trauma, a pan-African professional organization shaping the field of psychology in Kenya

Contact Us
Consolata Shrine - Allamano Centre 4th Floor, Suite C, Waiyaki Way, Nairobi
+254 (0) 725 366 614
+254 (0) 110 862 232

Copyright by OASIS AFRICA. All rights reserved.