
Over the course of life, we are often faced with numerous challenges and setbacks. Some of these challenges may include legal issues. We may find ourselves in and out of courts with no idea of what is happening or what to do.

Other times, you get your big break in life but have to go through stacks of legal documentation and contract agreements written in “legalese” language which you may not understand.

At Oasis Africa we provide professional legal consultation for our clients. Instead of going blind and getting a raw deal, we provide you with a qualified legal representative who will help you determine how to respond to legal questions like signing of contracts, buying property, and other legal tussles.

When you sit down with any member of our legal consultancy team, you will have the opportunity to tell your story to someone who understands the law and get qualified, professional advice on the best way to handle your situation. Just like all our other consulting, counseling and coaching sessions, what you say to a lawyer during a consultation will always be held in strict confidence.

Oasis Africa has over 27 years experience in the field of behavioral and mental health with sterling impact across Africa. A training and consulting firm: we focus on serving the comprehensive needs of groups and individuals within companies, NGOs, churches, the government and the wider society.

About Us

Oasis Africa is a Center for Transformational Psychology and Trauma, a pan-African professional organization shaping the field of psychology in Kenya

Contact Us
Consolata Shrine - Allamano Centre 4th Floor, Suite C, Waiyaki Way, Nairobi
+254 (0) 725 366 614
+254 (0) 110 862 232

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