
Do you want to better manage your finances, but are not sure where to start? Do you have too much to do and too little time to do your own financial planning? Do you need a professional opinion about the financial plan you’ve developed?

Well, seek no further…

At Oasis Africa we have finance and investment specialists who offer individuals and companies expertise to create financial plans that help them to  see the bigger picture when setting long and short-term goals.

With a customized financial plan, it’s easier for an individual or company to make good financial decisions and stay on track to meet their goals. Our specialists say: “Start planning now. It is never too late to invest. The earlier you start, the better”. They also share their own stories of starting small – reminding us of the Kiswahili proverb: “Haba na haba hujaza kibaba,” – meaning: Little by little fills up the measure.

” Planning is bringing the future into present so that we can do something about now” -Alan Lakein

Oasis Africa has over 27 years experience in the field of behavioral and mental health with sterling impact across Africa. A training and consulting firm: we focus on serving the comprehensive needs of groups and individuals within companies, NGOs, churches, the government and the wider society.

About Us

Oasis Africa is a Center for Transformational Psychology and Trauma, a pan-African professional organization shaping the field of psychology in Kenya

Contact Us
Consolata Shrine - Allamano Centre 4th Floor, Suite C, Waiyaki Way, Nairobi
+254 (0) 725 366 614
+254 (0) 110 862 232

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